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  • Florence Allport


If you have been following us for a while, you may have noticed that we took a small hiatus. As a family owned and run, local business we rely on happy customers and good reviews. We found that due to a sudden lack of staff over the pandemic, we became inundated with orders and we were unable to efficiently produce the beautiful, bespoke designs you had come to expect from us.

So, we made an active decision to step away from the business while we created new designs, tinkered with different ideas and reformed our team.

That is why we are having a…


Part of this re-launch includes an updated website, with an attached blog and social media! Here we want to keep you guys updated with our latest projects, sustainability news and even some tool reviews to help you with your next DIY project.

Going forward we want to focus on not only our most popular item, planters, but on truly special, custom features such as ‘Rustic Refurbs!’

Our team of highly skilled professionals love to push their boundaries and take on new challenges! Take a look at some of the local business refurbs we did recently:


You might already know this, but for those of you that are new to us, we LOVE up-cycling. The garden pictured below is from the fantastic local restaurant, The Fountain at Clent. When asked if we could help out with a rustic garden refurbishment, we couldn't (and wouldn't) turn down the opportunity! We are going to continue working with local business on their Rustic Garden Refurb projects.


Speaking of local businesses, over the last couple of years we loved teaming up with other companies to create these beautiful, bespoke dining tables and benches. However, moving forward we are thrilled to be doing our own welding and metal work. This means more customisation for you and more unique concepts!

We appreciate your continued support as our business adapts and grows to meet the needs of all our customers. Check out our updated website and keep an eye out for blog posts, new projects and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions.

Roger & The Rustic Funky Team.

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